Feature requests

  1. Hashtags Insights

    It would be great if we can see the hashtags insights. For example, which hashtags is actually bringing the reach to that particular post, how many people clicked on the hashtags, etc.



  2. Dark Mode

    Hard to look at a white screen late at night.



  3. Set Default Time to post when scheduling.

    As of now it always shows the hour as 00:00 and if i schedule 30 post I have to change it to our best time to post for every post. It would be great if i could choose a standard time that was pre-set =) Thanks for fixing all other stuff and giving us new features all the time! The Best!

    #Improvement 👍


  4. Facebook story with swipe up

    Hello can you add the swipe up function for facebook story please?

    #Improvement 👍#Integrations 🔗


  5. Download Content Plan

    Option to download a PDF of scheduled content posts to send to external clients who aren't technically savvy

    #Improvement 👍


  6. Edit post after posting

    Would like to be able to edit after posting a social media post.

    Muhammad Azhar
    #Improvement 👍


  7. Please permit the download of full analytics, not just summary information from the most popular posts.

    For effective analysis, we have to routinely go back to the individual platforms to pull full data. As a nonprofit, we have monthly funder/grantor reports we must file based on a variety of factors, not just what has been the most popular message. Even more so, if the data could be pulled in the form of a custom report capturing only the data we need/want from each platform that would be ideal. A separate suggestion actually relates to function. We need a simple approvals process in order to include additional content contributors on our team. Unfortunately, if the content developer does not check the box to say that the message needs to be approved, the message can be automatically scheduled to post. This has delayed us in extending permissions internally as it could lead to inappropriate message leaks. It would be ideal if everyone, unless the named user was listed as an administrator would be forced to have their message, post or blog entry reviewed.

    #Improvement 👍#Integrations 🔗#Misc 🤷


  8. Zapier Alternative - Integrately

    Integrately is an better and cheaper alternative to Zapier. If you have an API, they will be able to set an integration with you too. Thanks!

    Muhammad Azhar


  9. Personal Facebook Profile Post

    Publishing content to the personal profile via mobile app reminder/push notification.

    Muhammad Azhar
    #Improvement 👍


  10. Tracking views on LinkedIn posts

    When you post to LinkedIn, LinkedIn will show you how many people read your blog post as well as how many people interacted with a post. They label the amount of people who read your blog post as "views." Tracking these views in Content Studio would allow small businesses, firms, and individual professionals to see if the wording and hashtags they are using in their posts are reaching their target number of viewers and what wording and hashtags they need to change or keep applying to their routine postings.

    #Improvement 👍#Styling 🎨


  11. Ability to like comments on IG/FB posts when replying from social inbox

    I'd love for the ability to like the comments left by my followers on my posts. Currently we can only reply so in order to like the comments, we have to leave ContentStudio and do it elsewhere (on IG/FB itself or on the meta business suite).

    #Improvement 👍


  12. Instagram videos that are longer than 60 seconds

    I can upload videos that are longer than 60 seconds directly to Instagram, or through Meta Business Suite. I would like to have that functionality in ContentStudio.

    #Improvement 👍


  13. More platform connections for Blog posts - Square Space, Wix, Sales Force, etc.

    I have many clients that would better maximize this very powerful feature - post to blog, receive and filter RSS feeds and push back out to selected platforms - currently very limited

    #Improvement 👍


  14. Dark Mode

    I really do not want to look at a bright white screen at all hours of the day. This causes me to avoid using the application.

    #Improvement 👍#Misc 🤷#Styling 🎨


  15. Story Caption + Link

    PLEASE. Make it possible to add captions and links for Instagram stories. VERY CRITICAL! When posting Story, disable first comment option since its not relevant. Thanks!

    #Improvement 👍#Bug 🐛
